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Areas of Practice

There are many practice areas that overlap with those listed below.  If you are not sure into what area your needs fall, please contact me.
Leitch Law PLLC is located in Lynchburg, Virginia.

As part of my standard Estate Planning package, you will receive a will, an Advance Medical Directive, a Durable Power of Attorney, and any trusts needed to implement your final wishes.


An Advance Medical Directive is a document that specifies whether you would want medical care to continue in certain end-of-life situations.


A Durable Power of Attorney is a document that gives a trusted family member or friend the power to make decisions about your assets on your behalf, in the event that you cannot make those decisions yourself.


If you do not want all of these documents, a discount may be available to you.

Medical Assistance, or "Medicaid," is an entitlement insurance program that pays medical service providers for particular services to eligible persons who have few resources and low income.


(This is not the same as Medicare, which is administered by the federal government and guarantees medical care for persons 65 years old and older who have worked and paid into the system, as well as younger persons with disabilities.)


The Medicaid program is governed by a complex body of law.  Qualifying for these programs can cost you thousands of dollars.  I can help you navigate through these complexities, minimizing your out-of-pocket expenses with a minimum of cost to you.

Are you a photographer?  Graphic designer?  Consultant?  Have you considered what your clients may do with your product once they have paid for it?  What if they use your photograph or design for their own personal promotions?


Contracts allow you to define your rights ahead of time, before a client does something to which you object.  I can create a standard contract for you and your clients, so no one is surprised down the road.


I can also set up your "official" business through the Virginia State Corporation Commission.

Estate Planning
Medicaid Planning
Small Business

© 2013 - 2019 by Hilary J. Leitch/Leitch Law PLLC.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is provided "as-is,"' with no warranties or guarantees. This information should not be considered as actual legal, tax or investment advice and you should always contact a certified accountant, a tax professional, or an attorney before making any financial decisions. While every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information, neither the author nor the publisher can be held accountable for any errors or omissions. The user is solely liable for any and all reliance, use, or action on this information.

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