Fun Fact Friday: Gardening . . . and the law?
Spring is officially here; gardeners, rejoice! One of the difficult things about gardening is keeping animal visitors away. What's a gardener to do to keep furry pests from enjoying the fruits of his labors?
There is a continuous open season for killing "nuisance species" of wild birds and wild animals. (Virginia Code Section 29.1-511) The term "nuisance species" includes blackbirds, coyotes, crows, cowbirds, feral swine, grackles, English sparrows, and starlings. The term does not include (i) animals designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 29.1-563, 29.1-564, and 29.1-566, (ii) animals classified as game or fur-bearing animals, and (iii) those species protected by state or federal law.
There is a continuous open season on groundhogs on private land.
Be sure to observe all local laws restricting the use of firearms, traps, and other hunting gear. Always check with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for the latest on hunting and trapping regulations.
Happy gardening!