Nov 3, 2014
New Face to Leitch Law PLLC
Check out the spiffy new Leitch Law PLLC logo! Design is courtesy of Ryan Andrews. In addition to the new logo, he created letterhead,...

Jul 25, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: Student Loans
If you pass away while you still have federal student loans outstanding, those loans are discharged. There is some paperwork for your...

Jun 27, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: No Will
If a person dies without a will, what happens? The answer to this question is governed by the law of intestate succession: First, it goes...
Jun 20, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: Hotel Liability
Memorial Day has come and gone. School is winding down, summer is ramping up, and vacation season is in full swing! Virginia law limits...
Jun 13, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: Afterborn Heirs
Heirs of a deceased person who were conceived before his death but born afterwards, as well as children resulting from assisted...
Jun 6, 2014
70th Anniversary of D-Day
Today marks 70 years since the Allied invasion of Normandy. Thank you, veterans, for your service and sacrifice. Leitch Law gives special...

May 23, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: Case Information
The status of your case is available on Virginia's Judicial System website. You can search using your name, case number, or court date. ...
May 16, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: Debt Forgiveness = Income
From the IRS website: Generally, if you borrow money from a commercial lender and the lender later cancels or forgives the debt, you may...
May 9, 2014
Fun Fact Friday: New Virginia Resident Drivers Licenses
If you have just moved to Virginia, welcome! Your new home state - er, commonwealth - gives new residents 60 days to obtain a Virginia...
May 2, 2014
Fun Fact Friday + PSA: Lynchburg City Council Election next week!
Three City Council at-large seats will be elected on Tuesday, May 6. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. (More...